
An External Review of the State's Response to the Civil Unrest in Minnesota from May 26-June 7, 2020

Our research incorporated data from multiple sources and approaches to add strength to the review findings, including 1) a review of existing research literature, 2) a media review, 3) a review of state documents and interviews with state personnel, 4) interviews with key informants, 5) focus groups with affected groups, including community members, business owners, and youth, and 6) a comprehensive review from a nationally recognized law enforcement professional with specific and significant expertise in managing civil disturbances. Wilder Research partnered with the Minnesota Justice Research Center to lead the recruitment and facilitation of focus groups with community leaders, business owners, and youth. The report includes 20 recommendations that DPS, local (city and county) and state agencies, and other jurisdictions can use to prepare and plan for effective responses to civil unrest in the future.

Testimony to the Minnesota House of Representatives Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Committee. Includes Anna Granias presenting findings from the report.



Vega, Jose
Lee, Daniel
Connell, Emma


129 p.
Client Organization

Client Organization

Wilder Topic

Wilder Topic

Criminal Justice
Study ID

Project Information

External Review of Minnesota's Response to Civil Unrest

In February 2021, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS) contracted with Wilder Research to conduct an external review of the state’s response to civil unrest that occurred May 26-June 7, 2020, following the murder of George Floyd. DPS requested that the review:
• Objectively evaluate what the state did well and did not do well.
• Identify actions and options that may have produced different, or possibly better, outcomes.
• Provide recommendations to the Commissioner of Public Safety to assist state and local governmental units, including cities and counties, in responding effectively to potential periods of regional or statewide civil unrest in the future.

See everything related to this project.