Donors Thank You

Thank You 2024 Supporters


Generous supporters like you help make our mission possible of improving lives today and for generations to come. From all of us at Wilder, thank you!

● 5+ Years of Giving  |  ■ 10+ Years of Giving  |  ♦ Wilder Employee   |  * Deceased



The C. Curtis Dunnavan Fund

William C. King

Kathryn L. Schleich 

$25,000 - 49,999

Anonymous (2)

Community Leadership Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation

Eugene U. and Mary F. Frey Family Fund of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

B. C. Gamble and P. W. Skogmo Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation

Don and Patricia Garofalo 

The Morning Foundation

Nicholson Family Foundation, Chad and Laura Nicholson

Kennon Rothchild 

$15,000 - 24,999

Anonymous (4)

Andrew and Jennifer Adams

Nancy and Thomas Nelson

Eric Nicholson and Anna Waters

Sue Piva and Laurie Keate 

George and Diane Power

Stephanie Wolkin

Mark and Jodie Zesbaugh

$10,000 - 14,999

Anonymous (2)

Ron Bongard ●

Julie Brunner and Dale Ulrich  ■

Mike and Ann Ciresi ●

Terry and Cheryl Crowson ●

Sherman Devitt* ■

Charlton H. Dietz ●

William E. Harrison ■

Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of HRK Foundation ■

Sandy Kiernat ■

Philip B. McDonald

Nicholson Family Foundation, Richard and Nancy Nicholson Fund

$5,000 - 9,999

Anonymous (2)

Colleen and Patrick Bollom 

Jennifer Clelland

Audrey E. Copeland 

Page Knudsen Cowles and Jay Cowles 

Patrick and Christine Donovan ●

Joan R. Duddingston ●

Kevin and Catherine Earley ●

Francis and Noreen A. Farrell* 

Laura Forero and Greg Pearson

Steve and Susie Fritze ●

Robyn Hansen

Jennifer G. Hines, M.D. 

Daniel and Constance Kunin 

David and Sherla Mayer

Ron and Marilyn Mitsch

Nicholson Family Foundation, Pondie and Mark Taylor

Todd and Martha Nicholson ■

Samuel K. Nolley and Maureen S. O. O'Brien

Mariana Quiroga and Sam Schinazi ●

Thomas and Peggy Radio

Thomas and Lois Sando ■

Missy Thompson and Gar Hargens

Robin J. Torgerson ■

Andrea and Timothy Walsh ●

Barbara and Robert Woodruff

Ann L. Wynia ■

$2,500 - 4,999

Anonymous (2)

Keven Ambrus ♦

Arend Family Impact Fund

Dana Badgerow and Kathy Barclay ●

Heather R. Britt ♦

Alex and Judith Cirillo 

Dr. Charles J. Fazio ●

Ralph and Rachel Garding

Morris Goodwin, Jr. and Donna Lindsay Goodwin ■

MayKao and Lao Lu Hang 

Jack and Joan Hansen ●

Amanda Harrington

Sandra Holten-Athneil 

Rochelle and Chris Johnson

Roger and Patricia Kerber

Elyse and Anupam Kharbanda

Tom and Mary Kingston

Judy and Edward Kishel ●

Doug Melena

Michelle M. Morehouse  ■ ♦

Mark and Jackie Nolan 

Maggie O'Gara and Steve Sabes

John and Corine Petraborg ●

Jim W. Rustad 

Sylvia Strobel and Walter Lehmann

Mark and Nancy Wilson

Pahoua Yang and James Song

$1,000 - 2,499

Anonymous (7)

Kathleen Allen

Nancy and Evan Anderson

Dean Barto ♦

Brent J. Bertsch ●

Mike and Kathy Buendgen ●

Colleen Byrne ♦

Brock Christianson

Heidi Christianson

Tetra and Nneka Constantino

Marybeth Dorn ●

Dr. Joe and Lois West Duffy ●

Elizabeth Euller

Michael H. Foote ●

Dennis and Barbara Frederick

The Steve Euller and Nancy Roehr Family Charitable Trust

John and Jill Gauger ●

Cecelia M. Goswitz Fund of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation ■

Edith Gozali-Lee ♦

Joan and Robert Grzywinski ■

Megan Habbe

May and Chengfu Hang

John M. Harrington

Jennie and John Hawkins ■♦

Craig Helmstetter ■

Liam J. Higgins

Marlene E. Johnson ■

Beverly Jones Heydinger

Virginia M. Juffe ■

Joseph and Jessica Kagol

Judy Kenney ●

Gary and Karen Kirt

Dr.Thomas and Leslie Kottke ■

Michael Larson

Bettie and Jim Lee

Allison and Alex Liuzzi ■ ♦

Pete and Rebecca Mayer

Tammy L. McIntyre ■

Heather and Gregory McMoore ■♦

John and Karen Meslow ■

Terry and Joan Morehouse

Dr. Charles P. Morgan and Deborah J. Morgan

Dan and Sharon Mueller

Brock and Martha Nelson

Ann C. Nicholson

Carmen O'Halloran

Gail Olson and Steve L. Hopkins

Greg and Phyllis Owen ■

Justin and Sarah Palmer

Sally and Thomas Patterson ■

Sherman Patterson

Jim Pfau and Denise Kania ■

Mary Ella Pratte

Joanie Putz ●

Daniel and Tamara Redpath

Roger and Paula Roe

Heather and Mike Rogers

Barbara Roy ●

Dale * and Bette Schenian 

Steve and Katie Schmidt ■

John and Ellen Schreier ■

Ward and Cynthia Schwie

David and Cecilia Simpson ■

Nancy Speer ●

Gunter Stein ■

Richard Streeper

Karen Stuhlfeier and Walter Cygan ♦

Burton Swan ■

Jennifer M. Thao and Gregg J. Musiker ●♦

Lea and Jon* Theobald ■

Kay A. Thomas Fund of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

Charles Torrey ■

Terrence and Isabel Troy

Paul Tuckner and Pamela Scaia

Karen M. Ulstad ■ ♦

The Valerie Johnson & Kristine Szczech Family Trust

Michael Virnig

Mary M. Walser and Lynne E. Meyer ■

Walter and Tamara Ward

David Wark and Mary Ann Barrows Wark ■

LaVonne Wieland ♦

Gerald and Becky Woelfel ■

Ghita Worcester

Anthony and Ruth Yocum ■

Robert and Mary Kay Zabel ■

Steven and Susan Zimmerman ●

$500 - 999

Anonymous (6)

Melissa Adolfson ♦

Richard and Paula Almer ■

Marnie T. Andrews ■

Nina Archabal ■

Laura and Michael Brown ■ ♦

Julie Bunde

Darrell D. Butterwick

Richard P. Butwinick

Christina Cooley

Erin D. Coryell

Sheldon W. Damberg ■

Kristin Dillon ♦

Andrea Domaskin and Quang Trieu ■

Gerald and Nancy Driessen

Phillip and Sandra Edwardson ■

Jeff and Elizabeth Eggert ●

Paula Engstrom ●

Christine Erickson ♦

Nancy J. Feldman

Nona and Vanwright Ferguson ●

Donald Flower ♦

Courtney and Shamara Henry

Louis F. Hill and Kathrine E. Hill ■

Dolores Houle and Michael Lambert

Yolande Howard

Ann and Terry Huntrods

Gretchen M. Ibele ●

Susan and Edward Jambor

Andrea and Mike Jewett ●

Benjamin J. Jewett ●

Rod and Lil Johnson

Nancy L. Kachel ■

William and Jeanne Kosfeld ■

Jay and Melanie Kuderka

Joseph N. Lane and Linda E. Lane

Mary and Justin Lee

Monty Martin and Deborah J. Drew

Rachel McCabe ●

Neil and Susan Moses-Zirkes

Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Do Some Good Fund of Fidelity Charitable

Nancy Myers ■

Clyde D. Nelson ■

Jean M. O'Connell ■

Anne D. Pick ■

Pope/Wong Family Fund

Paige and Anthony Priolo ●

Matthew and Peggy Radford

Laura and Troy Randgaard

Maria and Aaron Redman

Chris and Jennifer Reedy

Carolyn Sanders

Janet A. Schweigert ■

Christian and Karin Siebeneck

Brien Slawik and Monika Strom

Larry Soderholm and Judy Parr ●

Christine Stanson

Sara Stewart

Paula Stumne

Dan Swanson ■
Gabriella Thorsen

Barbara E. Tretheway and Michelle E. Beeman

Jackie Turner

Ana Van de Hinz

Susan Vento

Jenna and Milan Virant

David Walker

Philip and Christina White

Tim Y. Wong and Jodene A. Pope

Hua Xiong-Her ■

Francene Young Rolstad ● ♦

$100 - 499

Anonymous (43)

Sue Abderholden

Paul and Margaret Clouthier Acito

Rebecca Albrecht

Jimmie Anderson

Sheryl Anderson

Cindy K. Angerhofer

Mark and Laura Anton ♦

Jen Auguston

Marcia Averbook

Lindsay Bacher ●

Janayah Bagurusi

Sarah Bailey

Tim and Kathy Ball

Amy Barthel ■

Matt Barton

Luna Bauman

David and Caroline Beal

Beth Beckers

Henry R. Bendixen ■

John and DeAnne Bennett

David P. Bergstrom

Peter Bisek ♦

Karrie Blees

Georgia Boehlke

Sheri Booms Holm  

JoAnn Boraas

Sonya Borgerson-Bethke

Erik J. Brandt

Samantha Brooks

Ronnie and Roger Brooks

Virginia Brown

Mary Casey

Sarah Cassell

Wendy Caucutt

Rose Chu

Dan and Kate Cole ■

Jen Collins ♦

Briana Colton

John and Emma Connell

Riley and Andrea Conway

Jim Cousins

Elizabeth Coville and Verne Dusenbery

Rebecca and Scott Cramer

Mary Croft

Laura Dahl

Gregory and Janice Dames ■

Kristen DaSilva

Deborah Davis

Elizabeth M. De Lay

Matthew C. Dehn ■

Brenda Delaney ♦

James Delia

Kathryn Deno ♦

Erin DeStasio

Ronald K. Dexter

Loralee and Gene DiLorenzo

James Dockman and Judy Lear ■

Mary Domaskin

Paul Dosh

Maia Downes

Mary Jo Drews

Rebecca Driscoll ■

Jerry and Gayle Dustrud

Amanda Eggers ■

Dorothy Eide

Louise Eidsmoe ■

Mary Esch

Joseph and Susan Eschenbacher

Grant Fair

Thomas H. Farnham II ■

Alexis Felton

Concha Fernandez Del Ray

Gretchen Fernelius

Rachel Fields

Linda Fisher ■

Bonnie Jean Flom

Holly Forsberg ■

Bill Foussard

Charlotte Frank

Frank Forsberg and Mary Heer-Forsberg

Derek Freese

Katherine Gallup-Strom

Joan Gardner

Willie Garrett, Ed. D.

Judith Gavin

Mindy Geisser

Mary Gernes

Michelle Gerrard ■

The Giving Fund

Lisette Gluek

Jean K. Godfrey

Phyllis R. Goff

Isabel Gomez

Gena Graves

Debra and Scott Grosse

James Grossman

Laura S. Gusa

Elizabeth H. Guthmann

Lari and Robert Hacker ♦

Thalia Hall ♦

Kit Hansen

Nancy Hansen

Bertha Harrington

U. Kevin and Alissa Harris

Gil and Kathy Hartley

Rochelle Hauser

Catherine Hawkins

Paula Haynus

Beth Heinly-Munk

Mary and David Her ♦

Sandra Her  

Claire Hickey

Mary Hill

Jeff Holloway

Yujung Hu and Samuel Imbo

George Hunt

Steph Hvinden 

Steven Jachymowski

Maria Jamero ♦

Danielle Janny

Megan Jekot ♦

Antonio Jhocson and Cara Walz

Peggy Johaningsmeir

Jaime Johnson

Shotsy and Ward Johnson

The Rosemary Johnson Fund of Thrivent Charitable

Jane M. Johnston and Daniel F. Pinkerton

Dr. Virginia L. Kakacek

Wendy Kalass Thompson ♦

John Kearney

Mary Keirstead and Edward Swain

Hema Kesanapalli 

Lynne Kirby and Neil Sieling

Maddie Klabunde

Richard S. Kleber ■

Jenny L. Klein

Julie and Rick Kleinschmidt

John and Carol Kline ■

Egan Kohman

Miriam Kowarski

Brad Kruse ■

Joy Kubat ♦

Christine A. Kuderka

Joanna K. Kuehn and John D. Engstrom

Adora S. Land

Kathleen Lander 

Jillayne K. Lazer and Jonathan D. Shelver

Dolores Ledeen

Erica Ledesma

Debbie and Andrew Lee

Steven and Deborah Legvold

Jessica Lerbs

Anne and John Levin

Anne Li  

Zoe Lilak ♦

Katie Lin

Lanice and Varland Lincoln

Christin L. Lindberg ♦

Kyle Lipinski ♦
Jesse Lipson

Heather Loch and Carl Wedell ■ ♦

Amy Long

Sharon Long

Anthony Lu

Gerry Lukaska

Michael Luke

Amy Mahan

Jennifer Mangano

Meg Martin

Tim Marx

Amma Mason

Jolene C. Mason ♦

Michael J. and Oi C. Mattison ■

Amanda McDonald

Kathryn and David McGraw-Schuchman ♦

Anne McInerney

Linda McIntosh

Laura McLain

Teri McLaughlin

Jeanne and Jeff McLean ■

Shannon McLevish ■ ♦

Dennis and Debi Meissner

Joshua and Kristi Metcalf

Arielle Miller

Dan Miller

Patrick Mobley

Karine and Paul Moe

Victoria Mucha, Esq., M.A.T.

Andrew Mueller ♦

Dawn M. Mueller ♦

Dixie Nelson

Vanessa Ng ♦

Paul Niebeling

Carla Nordquist

Sarah and Jeff O'Brien

Timothy O'Gara

Sue and Tom O'Malley

Rufihatu Opakunle 

Bonnie B. Padilla

Jessica Palmer-Denig

Niyati Panchal ♦

Sarah Pangarakis

Mary Jane and Bruce Pappas

John Patterson and Julie J. Sonier

Kate Pearce

Eva Pesch

Lucille M. Petermeier

Ngoc-Dung Pham

Jamila Pickett ♦

Sharon D. Pitala

Jacqueline Pokorney

Denise and Dan Quinlan

Jerome Quinn

Hilary Radtke

Ann Beatrice Renner

Sara Roddy

Anne and Jeff Rodenberg  

Nadine Ronning

Alan Rose

Stephen and Ann Russell

Betsie Sawyer

John and Ruth Scheef

Phil and Susan Schenkenberg

Jacqueline Schoder

Anita Scott

Tiffany Scott Knox ♦

Matthew C. Sebold ♦

Nancy and Paul Seel

Ted Selbitschka

Jill Sigelman

Greta Sikorski

Jessica Simmons

Sandra J. Smith

Ann Somers

Russ Stark and Betsy Murray

Connie and Byron Starns

Amy Stedman

Terri Stermer 

Elona Street-Stewart and H David D. Stewart

Mark O. Stutrud

John and Diana Swanson

Christine Taylor

Denise and Kevin Teuber

Tony Thao

Ellen Thomas

Gael Thompson

Robert and Kathy Thompson

Curtis Tilly

Robert Tomaschko

Jenna Tomlinson ♦

Jane Vanderpoel Gutknecht and Kevin Gutknecht ■

Michelle Vasquez

Wesley S. Volkenant 

Kerry Walsh and Tom Meyer ■ ♦

Elizabeth Warner

Saryan Watts

Roy and Julia Welter

Arlene K. West and Kevin R. Bevis

Tammi Winters ♦

Maggie Wirth-Johnson and Jim Johnson ■

Nicholas Wold

Kas'Quri Wren ♦

Michelle Xiong

Xia Xiong ♦

Ying Yang ♦

Amanda B. Yates

Terri Yearwood

Sara Yernberg

Alicia L. Zagel

Dale and Claudia Zellmer ■

In Kind Gifts


45th Parallel

Acqua Restaurant

Agra Culture Kitchen

Anzela Ahmed

Alemar Cheese Company

Alexis Bailly Vineyard

Benita E. Amedee and Sam R. Schuth

American Swedish Institute

Nancy and Evan Anderson

Arbeiter Brewing

Artistry / Bloomington Center for the Arts

Ashland Productions

B & B Theatres

B.C. Contracting

Amy Barthel

Bell Museum

Jesse Benedict

Big Stone Mini Golf

Birch Forest Lodge

Blaze Credit Union

April Bogard

Brickhouse Food & Drink WBL

Brother Justice

Laura and Michael Brown

Julie Brunner and Dale Ulrich

Butter Bakery and Cafe

Armando and Angela Camacho

Sonya Carruthers

Castle Danger Brewing Co

Cecils Delicatessen and Restaurant

Centro Restaurant Group

The Charmant Hotel

Jean L. Churilla

Ciao Bella

Circus Juventas

Ellen Cleary

Commonweal Theatre Company

The Cowles Center

Craft & Crew Hospitality

Creekside Supper Club

Kristen DaSilva

Sonchie Davies-Ogunleye

Dellwood Country Club

Peter DeLong

Tom Dodge

Andrea Domaskin and Quang Trieu

James Driessen

Drury Hotels

Dubliner Pub

Earl Giles Restaurant and Distillery

Edelweiss Bakery and Wine Bar

Elsa's House of Sleep



Deborah Engelhard and Patricia Mingee


Christine Erickson

Debra Fastner

First Avenue and 7th Street Entry

First Fiduciary

Four Daughters Vineyard & Winery

John and Jill Gauger

Richard J. Gibson

Edith Gozali-Lee

Graham Jewelers

Great Lakes Aquarium

Jessica Guernsey

May and Chengfu Hang

Robyn Hansen

Hats & Mittens

Jennie and John Hawkins


Hello Adorn

Hepcat Coffee

Pazao Her

Sandra Her

Hewing Hotel

Tracy Hilke  


Horizontal Digital

Charlotte Huffaker

Inside Edge Commercial Interior Services

Jester Concepts Restaurants

Benjamin J. Jewett Wilder Employee 

Anna Kay

Jennifer Kim-Ardakani

Theresa King

Kinneberg Management Group

Knudsen Vineyards

Kwik Trip

La Dona Cerveceria Brewery

La Mesa Restaurant

Lakeshore Players Theatre

League of Minnesota Cities

Marilyn and Chuck Letourneau

Lettuce Entertain You Restaurants

Anne Li

Lynn Lindholm

Allison and Alex Liuzzi

Lockton Companies

Penny Loftus

Brian Lombardi

Chee Lor

Lowry Hill Provisions

Luci Ancora

M. Cole Skin


Julie Megow

Meyer Borgman Johnson

Minneapolis Institute of Art (MIA)

Minnesota Aurora

Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

Minnesota Lynx

Minnesota Nice Cream

Minnesota Renaissance Festival

Minnesota State Fair

Minnesota Vikings

Minnesota Wild

Minnesota Zoo

Mississippi Market Cooperative

Joan and Terry Morehouse

Michelle M. Morehouse

Morgan Stanley

Mary Mosiniak

Dawn M. Mueller

Nagios Enterprises

Veronica Nelson

New Scenic Cafe

Nine Mile Brewing Company


Daniel and Alison O'Gara

Nancy Oakes

Ooni Pizza Ovens

Open Door Pantry

Orono Rotary Club


Park Tavern

Kate Pearce

Peking Garden

Margaret and David Peterson

Pottery by Holly

Pryes Brewing Co.


Punch Neapolitan Pizza

Mariana Quiroga and Sam Schinazi

R. F. Moeller Jeweler

Sierra Rawls

Regions Hospital

Nelle Rhicard

Anne and Jeff Rodenberg

Heather and John Rogers

Rosaline's Place

Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra

Kathryn L. Schleich

Shawn Schuette

Janet A. Schweigert

Seward Community Co-op

Sky Zone

St. James Hotel

Stages Theatre Company

Paige Stein

Stone Mountain Pet Lodge

Richard Streeper

Karen Stuhlfeier and Walter Cygan

Summit Brewing

Surge Cycling

Surly Brewing Company

The Works Museum

The Yarnery

Three Rivers Park District

Tono Pizzaria and Cheesesteaks

Top Golf

The Toro Company

Trapped Puzzle Rooms

Greater Twin Cities United Way

Cheng Vang

Lee Vang

Serena and Nick Vruno

Wanda N. Walker

Kerry Walsh and Tom Meyer

Ashley West

White Bear Country Inn

Stephanie Wolkin

Lee Pao and Yer Xiong

Yum! Kitchen and Bakery

Yumi Japanese Restaurant and Bar

Mark and Jodie Zesbaugh

Thank You Businesses & Organizations

Anonymous (7)

Anonymous (3) ●

Anonymous (2) ■

20 Degrees


3M Community Fund of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

3Mgives ■

45th Parallel

Abbott Laboratories

Acqua Restaurant

Agra Culture Kitchen

Alemar Cheese Company

Alexis Bailly Vineyard

Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America ●

Allina Health ■

Ameriprise Financial Matching Gift Program ■

Andersen Corporate Foundation ■

Hugh J. Andersen Foundation ■

Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation

The Katherine B. Andersen Fund of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

Andersen Windows and Doors

Aon Foundation

Aon Hewitt


Arbeiter Brewing

Arch Insurance Group

Arend Family Impact Fund

Artistry / Bloomington Center for the Arts

Ashland Productions

B & B Theatres

B.C. Contracting

Beim Foundation

Bell Bank

Bell Museum

Big Stone Mini Golf

Birch Forest Lodge

Blaze Credit Union

Bongard Corporation

Boston Scientific Corporation ■

Otto Bremer Trust ■

Brickhouse Food & Drink WBL

Bright Funds Foundation

Ronnie and Roger Brooks Fund of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

Brother Justice

Brown & Brown

Bush Foundation ■

The Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation ■

Butter Bakery and Cafe

Butwinick Smith Family Foundation of Fidelity Charitable

Capella University

Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies

Carlson Family Foundation

Castle Danger Brewing Co

Cecils Delicatessen and Restaurant

Centro Restaurant Group

The Charmant Hotel

CHS Inc.

Church of St. Odilia

Ciao Bella

Circus Juventas

Ciresi Conlin, LLP

Ciresi Walburn Foundation for Children

Cirillo Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable

City and County Credit Union

Commonweal Theatre Company

Community Leadership Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation

The Cowles Center

Jay and Page Cowles Giving Fund of Fidelity Charitable

Craft & Crew Hospitality

Creekside Supper Club

Cyber Advisors, Inc.

Frank M. DeForce Fund

Dellwood Country Club

Delta Dental of Minnesota

Christine & Patrick Donovan Family Fund of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation ●

The Doug Melena Fund of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

Drury Hotels

Dubliner Pub

Joan Duddingston Fund of Schwab Charitable ●

The C. Curtis Dunnavan Fund

Eagan Foundation, Inc.

Earl Giles Restaurant and Distillery

Ecolab Foundation ■

Edelweiss Bakery and Wine Bar

Mary and Louis Eisenmenger Memorial Fund ■

Elizabeth H. Cobb & Peter V. Maye Charitable Account

Elsa's House of Sleep




Estee Lauder Companies

F. M. Farrell Family Fund of the Catholic Community Foundation

Felhaber Larson Foundation

First Avenue and 7th Street Entry

First Children's Finance

First Fiduciary
Four Daughters Vineyard & Winery

Frank Forsberg and Mary Heer-Forsberg Family Fund

Eugene U. and Mary F. Frey Family Fund of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation ●

Frey Foundation

B. C. Gamble and P. W. Skogmo Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation

Gardner Builders

The Garofalo Foundation of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

General Mills
General Mills Foundation

The Giving Fund

Goodwin-Lindsay Family Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation

Cecelia M. Goswitz Fund of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation ■

Graham Jewelers

Granite Partners

Great Lakes Aquarium

Greater Minnesota Housing Fund

Robert E. and Edith M. Grissinger Foundation

Harlem Children's Zone, Inc.

William E. Harrison Charitable Fund of Fidelity Charitable

Hats & Mittens

Heacox, Hartman, Koshmrl, Cosgriff, Johnson, Lane & Feenstra

HealthPartners ■

Hello Adorn

Hepcat Coffee

Hewing Hotel


Hirtle, Callaghan & Co LLC

Horizontal Digital

House of Hope Presbyterian Church

Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation

IGRB Foundation

Initiative Foundation

Inside Edge Commercial Interior Services

Jester Concepts Restaurants

JND Charitable Fund of Fidelity Charitable

The Rosemary Johnson Fund of Thrivent Charitable

Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of HRK Foundation ■

KCB Corporation

Key Community Bank

King Family Foundation

The William H. and Janet M. King Family Fund

Kinneberg Management Group

Knudsen Vineyards

Kwik Trip

La Dona Cerveceria Brewery

La Mesa Restaurant

Lakeshore Players Theatre

League of Minnesota Cities ■

Lets Talk Kids LLC

Lettuce Entertain You Restaurants

Lockton Companies

Lowry Hill Provisions

Luci Ancora

Lumabel Charitable Fund of Vanguard Charitable ●

Jay and Gail Lund Family Charitale Fund of Schwab Charitable

M Health Fairview

M. Cole Skin

Mairs & Power


March of Dimes

Mardag Foundation ■

Marx Family Fund at Schwab Charitable

Philip McDonald Giving Fund

The McKnight Foundation ■

McNeely Foundation

Medtronic Foundation ■

Meritex Enterprises, Inc.

John A. & Karen J. Meslow Charitable Fund of The Stablish Foundation

Metropolitan Regional Arts Council

Minneapolis Foundation

Minneapolis Institute of Art (MIA)

Minnesota Aurora

Minnesota Department of Human Services

Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

Minnesota Lynx

Minnesota Nice Cream

Minnesota Renaissance Festival

Minnesota School Public Relations Assoc. (MinnSPRA)

Minnesota State Arts Board

Minnesota State Fair

Minnesota Vikings

Minnesota Wild

Minnesota Zoo

Mississippi Market Cooperative

Missy Staples Thompson Fund

MMC Consulting Inc

MN Office of Administrative Hearings

Morgan Family Foundation

Morgan Stanley

Morning Foundation

Mortenson Family Foundation

Moses-Zirkes Family Charitable Fund of American Endowment Fo  

Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Do Some Good Fund of Fidelity Chairtable

Nagios Enterprises


New Scenic Cafe

Nicholson Family Foundation

Todd and Martha Nicholson Fund of the Nicholson Family Foundation ■

Nilan Johnson Lewis

Nine Mile Brewing Company

Mark and Jackie Nolan Family Fund of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation ■


Norwest Capital Management, LLC  

O'Connell Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable

Ooni Pizza Ovens

Open Door Pantry



Park Tavern

Patrick & Colleen Bollom Family Fund of   The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Pearson Forero Family Charitable Fund of Schwab Charitable

Peking Garden

The Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation of Minnesota ■

The Piva/Keate Show Up Fund

Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota

Pope/Wong Family Fund

Pottery by Holly

Prime Therapeutics

Pryes Brewing Co.


Punch Neapolitan Pizza

Quammen Fazio Family Fund of National Philanthropic Trust

R. F. Moeller Jeweler

Ramsey County

Regions Hospital

Renaissance Charitable Foundation

Rosaline's Place

Rothchild Family Fund of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

Jim Rustad Charitable Fund of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

Sacred Playgrounds LLC

The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation ●

Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra

Sando Foundation

Schenian Family Foundation, Inc.

The Kathryn Schleich Charitable Giving Fund

Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation

Scott Family Foundation

Seward Community Co-op

Shaw-Lundquist Associates

Sky Zone

Southwest Initiative Foundation

Raymond H. and Florence L.  Sponberg Foundation

ST Capital

St. James Hotel

St. Paul Midway Lions Club Foundation, Inc. ■

Stages Theatre Company

Steve and Susie Fritze Family Fund of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

The Steve Euller and Nancy Roehr Family Charitable Trust

Stone Mountain Pet Lodge

Summit Brewing

Surge Cycling

Surly Brewing Company


Target Foundation

Terrance D. & Jacqueline J. Capistrant Parkinson's Foundation

The Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Employee Matching Fund

The Works Museum

The Yarnery

Kay A. Thomas Fund of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

Three Rivers Park District

TJX Foundation

Tono Pizzaria and Cheesesteaks

Top Gol

Robin J. Torgerso

 Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable

The Toro Company

Trapped Puzzle Rooms

The Tretheway Beeman Fund of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

Trillium Family Foundation

Troy Family Fund of National Christian Foundation

U.S. Bancorp Foundation

UCare Foundation

UKOGF Foundation

Greater Twin Cities United Way ■

UnitedHealth Group

The Valerie Johnson & Kristine Szczech Family Trust

VIA Actuarial Solutions

J.A. Wedum Foundation

Wells Fargo Foundation Minnesota

Western National Mutual Insurance Company

White Bear Country Inn

Philip & Christy White Fund at Schwab Charitable

Mark L. & Nancy C. Wilson Family Fund of MN Community Foundation

Woodruff Family Charitable Fund

Lillian Wright and C. Emil Berglund Foundation

Yum! Kitchen and Baker

Yumi Japanese Restaurant and Bar

Mark & Jodi Zesbaugh Independent Charitable Gift Fund

Gifts In Memory Of

Ashley Brooks-Danso 

Helen Meilin Derechin 
James Grossman

Dr. Art Kaemmer 
Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of HRK Foundation

Kevin Kenney 
Judy Kenney

John Kuderka 
Jessica Simmons

Malcolm W. McDonald
Philip McDonald Giving Fund

Jon Nicholson 
Henry R. Bendixen

Judy Ohm 
Georgia Boehlke
Amanda Eggers
The Piva/Keate Show Up Fund

Terri Sentell 
Georgia Boehlke

Joshua Smith-Bollum 
Egan Kohman

Barbara Stromer 
Judith Gavin

Phillip Walker 
David Walker

Darris and Lawrence Williams 

Margaret Zellmer 
Dale and Claudia Zellmer

Gifts in Honor Of

The Office of Administrative Hearings 
Katie Lin
Jessica Palmer-Denig
Ngoc-Dung Pham

Lucy Allen 

Emily Allen
Jennifer Mangano

Mark Anton 
Impact Architects

Craig and Kathy Binger 
Marx Family Fund at Schwab Charitable

Julie Brunner
Gail Olson and Steve L. Hopkins

Jeremy and Cora Hoffman 
Michael Virnig

Ralph and Mary Pat Davini 
Anita Scott

Lequetta Diggs 
Richard S. Kleber

Kevin Earley 
Mairs & Power

Elizabeth Fischer 
Yolande Howard

Melissa Gibbs
H. David Stewart and Elona Street Stewart

Jen Hovland
Jacqueline Schoder

Kyle Jackson 
Derek Freese

Judd Jennrich 
Derek Freese

Judy Kishel 
Joan Gardner

Roxanne Lynch
Derek Freese

Kerry McCabe 
Derek Freese

Eric Nicholson 
Ann C. Nicholson

Patrick Quigley
Derek Freese

Mara Schumacher 
Derek Freese

Sylvia Strobel and Walt Lehmann 
Philip & Christy White Fund at Schwab Charitable

Doug Taylor and Meg McGough 
Christine Taylor

Bob Trumbull
Derek Freese

Carolyn Verret 
Nadine Ronning

David Weiler
Derek Freese

Michelle Xiong 
Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

Mark Zesbaugh
Holcomb Family Fund of the American Endowment Foundation Anonymous

Grants to Wilder

3M Community Fund of The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation


Peter Alfond Foundation

Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America

Allina Health

Andersen Corporate Foundation

Hugh J. Andersen Foundation

Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation

The Katherine B. Andersen Fund of The Saint Paul & MN Foundation 

Beim Foundation

F. R. Bigelow Foundation

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation

Boston Scientific Corporation

Otto Bremer Trust

Bush Foundation

The Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation

Capistrant Parkinson’s Foundation Fund of the St. Croix Valley Foundation


Mardag Foundation

The McKnight Foundation

Metro Meals on Wheels

Metropolitan Regional Arts Council


Minneapolis Foundation

Minnesota Board on Aging

Minnesota Department of Agriculture

Minnesota Department of Education

Minnesota Department of Health

Minnesota Department of Human Services

Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry

Minnesota Housing

Minnesota State Arts Board

Mortenson Family Foundation

Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota

Ramsey County

Ramsey County Community Human Services Department

Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation

The Sheltering Arms Foundation

Saint Paul Public Schools

St. Paul Children's Collaborative

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Target Foundation

TJ Maxx

Touchstone Mental Health


Trillium Family Foundation

U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services


UCare Foundation

Greater Twin Cities United Way

UnitedHealth Group

Wells Fargo Foundation Minnesota

Lillian Wright and C. Emil Berglund Foundation

Thank You Heritage Partners for your lasting support of Wilder!

Your gifts to Wilder’s endowment work to sustain our vision of ensuring families and communities thrive today and for generations to come. By making a gift through your wills, life income arrangements, beneficiary designations and other estate plans, you help us be here for good!

Anonymous (23)

John and Anne Bendt

William J. Benzick

Charles R. Betts*

Margaret M. Betts*

Craig and Kathleen Binger

Edgar* and Jean* Blanch

Elizabeth Bogared*

Tisha Bolger

Ronnie and Roger Brooks

Hildegarde H. Conkling*

Erin D. Coryell

Robert A. Crowe*

Ken and Abby Dawkins

Charlton H. and Dottie* Dietz

Elisabeth W. Doermann*

Drs. Phillip and Sandra Edwardson

Lorraine M. Ellingsen*

Arthur R. Emmerich*

Judith Gavin

Bob and Elaine Golberg

MayKao and Lao Lu Hang

John Hauschild*

Nancy Hauschild

Adrian and Nancy Hertog

Herman M. Hertog*

Katharina Hertog*

Catherine* and John* Hill

Martha E. Hoover*

Mary* and Irving* Jerry

Bernice Jessen*

Rod and Lil Johnson

David* and Nancy L. Kachel

Janet Kelly*

Bruce* and Sandy Kiernat 

Tom and Mary Kingston

Laurence J. Kress*

Francis* and Verona* LaBelle

LeAnn G. LaCourse*

John* and Nancy* Lambros

Martha A. E. Larson*

Alice Leach*

Roger Lenzmeier*

George A. Mairs, III*

Dusty Mairs

L. Frank* and Irene* Maistrovich

Philip C. Manz

Paul and Tara Mattessich

Dorothy K. Merrill*

David* and Mary Jo* Monson

Michelle M. Morehouse

Roberta A. Mundschenk*

John* and Renee Nagel

Nancy and Thomas Nelson

Eric Nicholson and Anna Waters

Walter* and Eleanor* Nyberg

Greg and Phyllis Owen

George and Diane Power

George C. Power, Jr.*

Norman M. Rose*

Ken and Nina* Rothchild

Barbara Roy

Philemon C. Roy*

Kathryn L. Schleich

David and Cecilia Simpson

Leonard H. Tesmer*

Robert H. Tucker*

Paul* and Carolyn Verret

Lucille O. Werner*

Paul* and Lucille* Werner

Richard* and Florence* Wickworth

Winnie V. Wickworth*

Leni and George Wilcox

Jean* and Leonard* Wilkening

Becky and Gerald Woelfel

Ann L. Wynia

Mai Kou Xiong*

Robert and Katherine Yaeger

Reta G. Youngman*

Dick and Janine Zehring