3 things to know about renewals for Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare
For the past three years, Medicaid (known as Medical Assistance in Minnesota) and MinnesotaCare have waived the annual renewal process, in which members must submit proof of eligibility for their coverage. That process has been reinstated and members will again need to renew in order to maintain their coverage.
These changes affect hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans, including many people in our communities as well as people who participate in services through Wilder.
Here are three things to keep in mind during the renewal process.
1. Medicaid and MinnesotaCare enrollees should update their mailing address, phone number and email address

If someone receiving Medicaid or MinnesotaCare has moved or changed their mailing address, phone or email in the last three years, it is important they update their mailing address, phone and/or email with the Department of Human Services. This updated information will be used to send enrollment information through postal mail as well as text message reminders.
To update contact information go to https://mn.gov/dhs/mycontactinfo/
2. Medicaid and MinnesotaCare enrollees can find out the month of their coverage renewal online
The Minnesota Department of Human Services has created a web-based online lookup tool for anyone enrolled in Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare to know their coverage renewal month: https://www.mnrenewallookup.com/
Using the enrollment date lookup tool: Once a person enters their member number and case number online, the tool shows the month and year by which they and/or their household members coverage needs to be renewed. Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare participants who do not know their member or case number should contact their county or tribe. This same member and case information may be found on renewal paperwork sent to enrollees via postal mail.
3. The Minnesota Department of Human Services has begun contacting participants via U.S. postal mail and text message
Postal Mail

This is an example of the envelope the Department of Human Services will mail to enrollees.
DHS will be sending these communications on a rolling basis over the next 12 months. Share the image of the mailed envelope and the example renewal notice letter with people who are enrolled in Medicaid or MinnesotaCare so they know to be watching for this important mail.
Text messages
Please be aware of the following information about the text messages:
All messages will come from number 28343
The message reads: “Have you recently moved or has your contact information changed? Update your address, email and phone number to receive important updates from us and avoid losing your health insurance. Go to the mn.gov/dhs/mycontactinfowebpage to learn how to update your address or contact information. Contact your worker if you have questions.”
Additional text messages will be sent through this system to remind members to watch for, and complete the mailed renewal form.
Please spread the word about the renewal process with your personal and professional networks. Thank you for helping people and families in our community maintain their health care coverage!
For more information
- If you use Medical Assistance or Minnesota Care, find here renewal information from the Minnesota Department of Human Services.
- If you are a service provider, find awareness campaign materials in multiple languages from the Department of Human Services.