
Rainbow Health Initiative, Impacts and Opportunities: Results from A Discussion of Rainbow Health Initiative's Health Equity Work

In 2013, the Rainbow Health Initiative (�RHI�) received funding from the Center for Prevention at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota through the Health Equity in Prevention (HEiP) initiative. Through their work, they are focusing on improving LGBTQ health by influencing policy and legislation, leveraging coalitions and networks to expand awareness, providing training and presentations to health professionals, and conducting a survey on health attitudes and individual health for LGBTQ people in Minnesota.
In December 2014, a group of 18 project stakeholders were invited to a Ripple Effect Mapping discussion about RHI�s health equity work. The discussion was intended to not only provide the participants a chance to consider how successful the project has been in achieving its intended goals, but also to identify the indirect or unexpected project impacts. This document summarizes the key themes of the discussion.



Stuber, Nick


10 p.
Wilder Topic

Wilder Topic

Health Equity
Study ID

Project Information

Health Equity in Prevention

The Center for Prevention at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota provided funding to organizations through the Health Equity in Prevention initiative to advance health equity through policy, systems, and environmental changes. Wilder Research conducted a review of tools than can assess organizational capacity to advance health equity. Evaluation work included conducting ripple effect mapping discussions with HEiP-funded organizations to understand project impacts. Reports also highlight policy work and lessons learned.

See everything related to this project.