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Most-Read Research of 2019

12/19/19 by Kerry Walsh

What’s the end of the year without some reflection on what we learned -- and what you might have missed -- in new info from Wilder Research? We crunched the numbers and pulled together the most-read research from 2019.

Minnesota Homeless Study

Initial findings from the 2018 study indicate the overall number of people experiencing homelessness increased 10% over 2015. A startling finding was a 62% increase in the number of people staying outside of the formal shelter system. Unsheltered locations included encampments, cars, riding public transportation, and night-to-night accommodations staying with others doubled-up or couch hopping. Read more.

Listen: On the podcast, guests discuss the increase in people staying outside the shelter system.

Collaboration Factors Inventory

This free tool helps you assess how your collaboration is doing on 22 research-tested success factors. The new edition of the accompanying book, Collaboration: What Makes it Work, includes a section on collaborating across difference and an online companion of collaboration resources.

Safe Harbor

Safe Harbor began in Minnesota in 2011 to provide legal protection and services for sexually trafficked or exploited youth. This biennial report found that the initiative provides services that would not otherwise be available. At the same time, systemic challenges and information gaps decrease Safe Harbor’s reach and impact. Read more.

Success in Housing: How Much Does Criminal Background Matter?

Using data from four nonprofit housing providers, Wilder Research conducted a quantitative analysis that looked at the relationship between a resident's housing outcomes and their criminal background. Read more.

Related: On the blog, we highlight what we know – and don’t – about criminal background’s impact on housing success.

Children’s Intensive Mental Health Services Study

Commissioned by the Minnesota Department of Human Services at the request of the Minnesota Legislature, this study analyzed Minnesota’s continuum of mental health services and identified potential service models and funding mechanisms to address gaps in mental health services. Read more.

Related: On the blog, Sue Abderholden of NAMI Minnesota highlights what we learned.


Photo by Bernd Klutsch on Unsplash


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