

Trends, insights and thought leadership on community matters by Wilder staff, volunteers, supporters and partners


How Wilder Meals on Wheels increased support for Saint Paul community members during the pandemic

Wilder Meals on Wheels provides affordable, nutritious hot or frozen meals to adults, older adults, and seniors living in Saint Paul neighborhoods. Pre-pandemic, our volunteers delivered about 2,000… Read more »

Spring into Action 2021 with African American Babies Coalition and Projects

by Sameerah Bilal-Roby
The African American Babies Coalition and Projects is a partnership among African American community stakeholders who promote the healthy development of African American babies across the Twin Cities.

Self-Care is a Critical Investment in Ourselves to Support the People and the Causes that Matter to Us

by Pahoua Yang
It has been exactly a year since my family and I returned from a short trip to celebrate the end of spring break. My children never returned physically to school. The next day, I sat with… Read more »

Transportation is a Key Component of Equitable Food Access

Minnesotans deserve access to affordable and healthy food regardless of where they live. Alice Lubeck explores ways communities are reducing transportation barriers to food access and the need for… Read more »

New Food Insecurity Data Highlight Minnesota’s Continuing Disparities and the Need for Multi-Sector Solutions

New data show disproportionate rates of food insecurity among Minnesotans since the start of the pandemic. Find out what the data show, the policies and systems contributing to disparities, and… Read more »

Rising Food Insecurity in Minnesota: Community and Policy Responses and How You Can Help

Feeding America suggests more than 54 million people, including 18 million children, may experience food insecurity nationwide in the wake of COVID-19. What's happening in Minnesota to address it?

Health Equity Now: Public Health Takeaways

Three Research staff share their takeaways on recent research, emerging trends, and measuring impact after attending the American Public Health Association conference.

3 Ways Culturally Specific Mental Health Services Break Barriers to Community Treatment

by Barbara Williamson
Working as a social worker for over thirty-five years with people from all backgrounds, I have witnessed firsthand the struggles individuals face dealing with mental health issues – particularly… Read more »