Children's books at the Wilder Child Development Center's library for preschoolers and toddlers

Request a Tour of the Wilder Child Development Center


We're thrilled that you're considering the Wilder Child Development Center!

As a parent or guardian, we know you want the best learning experience, a safe environment and quality care for your child. And, we want to make sure you get to see our center and speak to our staff before you make a final decision. You can find more information about child care and preschool here.

Please complete the form below and click "submit" at the end.

Please Note: Your information will not be used publicly nor sent or sold to third party organizations.
Which of the following best describes your child? (Please select all that apply.)
My child has:
What is your preferred method of payment?
What time works best for you to take a tour of the Wilder Child Development Center?
(9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.) works best for me
(12 p.m.-3:30 p.m.) works best for me
(3:30-5pm) works best for me
None of the times work for me
If so, please enter their date of birth. If not, you can leave this question blank.
How did you hear about the Wilder Child Development Center? (Please select all that apply.)
Is this the first time you are contacting us at the Wilder Child Development Center?

Privacy Notice

The information you give to us in this form will be used to determine service requests and may be shared with other staff in the Wilder Foundation whose jobs require access or with others outside of the Wilder Foundation as provided by law.

Please note that you are not required to submit your information using this form.

You may also contact us at the Wilder Child Development Center by calling 651-280-2600.